Call For Applications - Ireland France Business Awards 2019


Event ended.

NetworkIrlande and the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce are pleased to inform you of their collaboration once again this year on the Annual Business Awards, the Franco-Irish business Award recognising excellence in the economic relationship between France and Ireland.

The Awards will be made to companies selected by the Jury which will be chaired by Eoin Scott of Motherboard, and Treasurer/Secretary General of FICC. The Award winners will receive their awards during a Gala Dinner ceremony in Paris on Thursday 28th November 2019.

This is a great opportunity for you to nominate an organisation which you believe has been successful in promoting the expansion of trade and investment, together with the development of business links between France and Ireland. There is also a special Jury’s Award for “Impact on Climate Change”. Companies may also apply directly.

For your information, last year the winners of the Annual Business Awards 2018 were

  • as the best Irish Company in France
  •        Sodexo Ireland as the best French Company in Ireland
  •        JCDecaux Ireland for the Special Jury’s Award for Impact on Climate Change


Please click on the following to access the "Call for Applications" and the Entry Forms

  1.      Call for Applications Ireland France Business Awards 2019: Call for Applications_Ireland France Business Awards 2019.pdf
  2.      Entry Form Best French/Irish Company
  3.      Special Award Entry Form  – Impact on Climate Change


For the entry forms, please note that once you click on "complete form" at the end of the entry form you cannot re-enter to edit.
So please only click on "complete form" when fully satisfied that this is your final version for submission.
Please submit the entry form, duly completed by Friday 6th September at 12.00 noon.

If you wish to include more information with your application, you may send this on-line as additional material to  However please be aware that the content of the Entry Form will be the key content by which your application will be judged.  

Kind regards,

Terry McGivern                              Cliona McGowan
Vice-President,                               Director,
NetworkIrlande                             France Ireland Chamber of Commerce

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