President's welcome
My vision is to build on our position as a valued player and influencer in business relationships between Ireland and France...
My vision is to build on our position as a valued player and influencer in business relationships between Ireland and France...
The Executive Team meets once a month to supervise progress on all Chamber activities and to manage the daily running of the...
The Council meets approximately five times a year to discuss and implement the activities of the Chamber. The Council, made...
The mission of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC) is to support, enable and empower strategic partnerships within...
Discover our Patrons who invest in the Chamber
Discover the variety of Partners the Chamber is honoured to work with
The Chamber
Chris Smyth, the chief executive of Perennial Freight, began a two-year term as president of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce in December....
The Chamber
What a year it’s been! Following on from our first 6 months reflection, we look back on the activities and successes of the last 6 months of 2024. ...
The Chamber
Derek Kehoe, CEO BNP-Paribas Ireland and FICC Patron, explains amongst other things, how expensive Paris is compared to Dublin...when all charges are...
The Chamber
Following Brexit, it is fair to say that France is now our nearest EU neighbour. Áine Murray, head of marketing at Veolia Ireland also happens to be...
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce and NetworkIrlande are pleased to inform you of their collaboration once again this year on the Annual Business...
The Chamber
Áine Murray, President of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce joins TeamGBS to talk about the huge potential to increase Franco-Irish trade.
The Chamber
A bakery, a bus company and a brewery were among the companies honoured at the second annual PwC/Business Post Sustainable Business Awards. The...
The Chamber
Kingspan, Danone and TERRA NutriTECH win the Ireland France Business Awards 2022!
The Chamber
Flashback to our Brittany Ferries Lunch event organised in partnership with Cork Chamber, celebrating 50 years of Brittany Ferries!
The Chamber
Flashback to our Business Lunch 2022 in the exceptional presence of Dr. Catherine Day, former General Secretary of the European Commission.
Analyses & Studies
The network of CCI FI (French Chambers abroad) met in Paris on 27th June for their AGM. The report on the achievements of the network of 126 CCI FI...
Communication - Press
Earlier this week, the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC), the third largest bilateral trade association in Ireland, held an online panel...
The Chamber
France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is now located at 35 Merrion Square E.
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce was delighted to be represented by Mathieu Gorge (former FICC President) in front of the French delegation for...
Ireland France Business Awards 2021 The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce and NetworkIrlande are pleased to inform you of their collaboration once...
IRELAND FRANCE BUSINESS AWARDS 2020 - Kingspan, Groupe Adéquat and Co-assist win the 2020 Ireland France Business Awards
The Chamber
As you may be aware, the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is an active member of a network of +120 French Chambers in 95 countries - CCI France...
We are glad to communicate the results of our second Members Best Practices Survey Results!
We are glad to be able to communicate the results of our Members Best Practices Survey Results!
The Chamber
At the end of 2019, we conducted a survey among our members and we are delighted to present you some of the results!
The Chamber
On Wednesday 12th February Nicolas Destrez and Eoin Scott from the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce participated in a Channel Hub meeting organised...
The Chamber
Yesterday we held our first Breakfast Seminar of 2020 on "The Human Element: Cyber Behaviour and Culture" at MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland.
The Chamber
During the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC) Christmas Lunch at the Westin Hotel on Friday 13th December, Mathieu Gorge talked very positively...
The Chamber
Organised annually by NetworkIrlande and the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC) for over 26 years, the bilateral trade awards recognise...
The Chamber
Joanne Grant, Former President of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Managing Director of JCDecaux Ireland, and Eoin Scott, Secretary &...
The Chamber
The Jury was very impressed by the quality of this year’s entrants and by the unprecedented number of applications submitted.
The Chamber
Your member private section has been modernised, you have now a digital access to all our features and new ones. Don't wait any longer to discover it!
The Chamber
Vigitrust has been awarded Information Security Company of the Year 2019 for Security Education (France) and FICC President himself has been named...
The Chamber
The 2nd edition of the Trophées CCI France International took place on Monday 24th June at the wonderful Pavillon d’Armenonville, Paris, an event that...
The Chamber
As an FICC Member, do you realise the numbers of benefits we offer you? Click here for more details.
The Chamber
Ceremony and prizes recognise excellence within Franco-Irish business community
"The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is the primary vehicle to ensure that the ever growing and strengthening relationship between Ireland and...
Event report
"Members are the lifeblood of any chamber" Mathieu Gorge, President France Ireland Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber
"Our main service “Journée d’Implantation” has been very popular this year" Mathieu Gorge, President of the FICC. If you wish to set up a company...
The Chamber
Margot has appeared on the OUTstanding and EMpower (now INvolve)/Financial Times’ list of Top 100 LGBT Business Leaders for the past four years. In...
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce and NetworkIrlande are pleased to announce the winners of the Ireland France Annual Business Awards 2018.
The Chamber
CCI France International launched the first ever "Trophées CCI France International" at Salle Wagram, Paris, on 25th June. Over 500 people, including...
The Chamber
We are pleased to share with you the Activity Report of the French International Chamber of Commerce 2017. Our publication presents a summary of...
The Chamber
"The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is the primary vehicle to ensure that the ever growing and strengthening relationship between Ireland and...
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce and NetworkIrlande are pleased to inform you of their collaboration once again this year on the Annual...
The Chamber
Founded in Le Havre in 1871, Ecole de Management de Normandie is one of the oldest established French business schools....
The Chamber
Sodexo Ireland is one of the sponsors of the ‘What’s She Doing Here - Women at Work 1918-2018’ Exhibition, running from 31st March to 10th June 2018...
The Chamber
With almost 600 people, including more than 400 lawyers and professional staff, McCann FitzGerald is one of Ireland’s premier law firms. We...
The Chamber
Dublin - 7th March 2018: Tánaiste Simon Coveney, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, was the guest speaker at the France Ireland...
The Chamber
Mathieu Gorge, CEO VigiTrust, has been appointed the incoming President of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce for 2018/2019.
The Chamber
Becoming a patron of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC) is a natural fit for our company, given our strong French connection and the...
The Chamber
PwC Ireland is delighted to become a Patron of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce. Through their networking activities, we see great opportunities...
The Chamber
Axione, a company of Bouygues Energies & Services are performing the Design & Build of FTTH networks in the South East Area of Ireland. Besides...
The Chamber
A boutique commercial and private client firm specialising in litigation, real estate, commercial and employment law. As founder members of LAW...
The Chamber
01 Accounting services is a Franco-Irish and Franco-British certified chartered accountancy firm, whose employees speak French and English. It is...
The Chamber
Mathieu Gorge, CEO Vigitrust and incoming President of the FICC with Joanne Grant, Managing Director of JCDecaux Dublin, 15th December 2017: Mathieu...
The Chamber
Special award for effect on climate change goes to Luas operator, French firm Transdev
The Chamber
NetworkIrlande and the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce the winners of the Ireland France Business Awards 2017.
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is happy to present you its Newsletter of October
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce has launched a new service for French SME's & entrepreneurs who wish to establish in Ireland: the "Kit...
The Chamber
DERICHEBOURG - CORPORATE Derichebourg is a global operator at the international level in environmental services to businesses and local...
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is happy to present you their Calendar of Events for 2017. More will follow, so stay tuned!
The Chamber
We would like to welcome the following 5 new members who joined last month
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce is happy to present you their Calendar of Events for 2017. More will follow, so stay tuned!
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce (FICC) is part of a network of French Chambers abroad, known as CCI France International. This network...
The Chamber
Liam Woulfe, Managing Director Grassland Agro (Best French Company in Ireland) “Being nominated as a finalist and ultimately the Winner of...
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce has launched a new service for French SME's & entrepreneurs who wish to establish in Ireland: the "Kit...
The Chamber
Trade body wants to alert EU decision-makers to challenges faced by Irish businesses
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce has launched a new service for French SME’s & entrepreneurs who wish to establish in Ireland: the “Kit...
The Chamber
2017 will see continued changes to the international tax environment. Whether it is Brexit, Trump or the EU, these will impact Irish SME’s and...
The Chamber
An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny announced Grassland Agro, Venn Life Sciences and ECOCEM France as the winners of the 2016 Ireland France Business Awards at a...
The Chamber
It was announced today that Grassland Agro, Venn Life Sciences and ECOCEM France have been announced as the winners of this year’s Ireland France...
The Chamber
NetworkIrlande and the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce the winners of the Ireland France Annual Business Awards 2016.
The Chamber
Pictured left to right at the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce Business Lunch, sponsored by PwC, yesterday in the Aviva Stadium is Mary Honohan, Tax...
The Chamber
Business at Ireland’s most celebrated eatery— Dublin’s Restaurant Patrick Guilbaud — is on the up and up with its eponymous co-owner yesterday...
The Chamber
As France celebrates Bastille Day, it's eyeing taking business from the post-Brexit UK - rivalling us. But strong trading ties between our two nations...
The Chamber
Move comes amid surge in number of companies seeking to start in Ireland
The Chamber
Building a strong online presence can be a cost-effective means of generating leads and sales
The Chamber
CCI International, le réseau mutualisé d'appui à l'export des chambres de commerce et d'industrie (CCI) en France, et son alter égo à l’étranger, CCI...
The Chamber
Elles représentent CCI France dans 85 pays dans le monde. 60 délégations entre Corée du Sud, Dubaï ou Grande-Bretagne sont à Nantes pour leur forum...
The Chamber
Pictured Left to Right: Cliona McGowan (Ireland France Chamber), Rob Hamill (Mazars), Dawn Thompson (Mazars), Noel Cunningham (Mazars), Frédéric...
The Chamber
Competitive start fund can award up to €50,000 to each successful applicant
The Chamber
The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce and NetworkIrlande are pleased to inform you of their collaboration once again this year on the Annual Business...
The Chamber
France Ireland Chamber of Commerce Business Owner Sentiment Index
The Chamber
Le 11 mars 2015, pour soutenir les PME face aux enjeux de croissance et d’emploi, Business France, les CCI de France et les CCI françaises à...
The Chamber
Depuis 2006, le nombre de départs de Français à l’étranger a bondi de plus de 40%, selon l’Insee. Près de 200.000 nouveaux expatriés étaient dénombrés...
The Chamber
Depuis juin 2015, une trentaine de Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie Françaises à l’International exploitent en mode Saas un logiciel de CRM à...
The Chamber
Valeo Vision Systems and OpenHydro also picked up gongs