The Chamber

FICC Service - Kit d'Implantation

The France Ireland Chamber of Commerce has launched a new service for French SME's & entrepreneurs who wish to establish in Ireland: the "Kit d'Implantation".

What is the “Kit d’Implantation”?

The Kit d’Implantation is a fast-track service that supports the establishment of a French company in Ireland. The FICC service answers all the queries you may have in relation to the Irish economy, sector specific queries, taxes, banking, insurance, recruitment, real estate and expatriation for the family.

The service consists of a one-day (or more) tailored programme that meets the specific needs of each client.

Whether you are an existing French company looking to open up a branch in Ireland or a French entrepreneur who wants to create your own business here, you should consider this high quality service and contact Marie at info(@)

As a member of FICC, what can I do to help with this service?

If you are a member of FICC and based in Ireland, you can share your expertise with French newcomers on the day of their visit to FICC in Dublin. If you are French and have created your own company already in Ireland, you can share your experience and advice on how best to get established in the Irish market!

Please contact Nathan at info(@) if you wish to be part of our expert database.


For any further information, please send an email to

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