The Chamber

FICC Event - Breakfast Seminar in partnership with Mazars

2017 will see continued changes to the international tax environment. Whether it is Brexit, Trump or the EU, these will impact Irish SME’s and multinationals alike. Ambitious new international rules will result in more corporate tax complexity and compliance requirements, not only in Ireland, but in some of your existing markets.

With the advent of Brexit, Irish businesses are being encouraged to seek out new and alternative markets. While this is a positive step, the new international rules on when a foreign tax presence will be triggered need to be considered. It is now significantly easier to create a foreign taxable presence. Aside from increased compliance obligations, how will an increased effective tax rate impact your bottom line?

Domestically, the tax landscape is likely to undergo significant changes in 2017. This will range from a modernisation of the PAYE system, to an enhanced employee share scheme regime. From a domestic perspective, tax is becoming a headline feature in boardrooms. This is being driven by the new Directors Compliance Statement requirement.

Against this backdrop, Mazars will guide you through what these changes will mean for you and your business during our Breakfast Seminar on Tuesday 28th February 2017, from 7h30 to 9h30 at the Merrion Hotel.

Please click here to access the event’s page for more information!

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