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GeoView Commercial Vacancy Report Q4 2018

National commercial vacancy rate remains ‘stubbornly high’ at 13.2% GeoDirectory publishes latest Commercial Vacancy Rates Report, analysing commercial property stock across Ireland in Q4 2018

GeoView Commercial Vacancy Rates Report Highlights:

  • The Bi-annual GeoView report finds that the total stock of commercial properties in the State in Q4 2018 was 211,610, with 27,951 of these properties being vacant 
  • The national commercial vacancy rate has fallen slightly by 0.1 percentage point (pp) to 13.2% in Q4 2018
  • Sligo recorded the highest commercial vacancy rate in the country at 18.9%, while Meath was the county with the lowest at 10.4%
  • Ballybofey in Donegal has the highest commercial vacancy rate (30.7%) as the North-West falls further behind the rest of Ireland
  • In the capital, Dublin 11 registered the highest vacancy rate at 16.7%
  • The counties with the highest proportions of commercial units involved in the Accommodation and Food Services sector included Kerry (23.5%), Clare (20.3%) and Donegal (19%).


Source: Geodirectory

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