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EirGrid becomes Patron of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce

EirGrid is the state-owned semi-state body which operates and develops Ireland’s national electricity grid. We are responsible for a safe, secure and reliable supply of electricity on the island of Ireland – now and in the future.
Electricity from renewable sources will play a vital role in the future electricity supply and in our response to the climate crisis – and EirGrid are committed to be ensuring that we facilitate this. Our 2020 - 25 strategy is shaped by climate change and the transition of the electricity sector to low-carbon, renewable energy.
As part of our role in achieveing this, we need to explore and develop opportunities to connect our transmission grid with grids in other countries.
Increased interconnection is key to managing larger amounts of renewable generation on our grid. . There are currently two interconnectors between Ireland and Great Britain. Since 2011, in partnership with our French counterpart Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTÉ),EirGrid has been developing a plan to build an interconnector with France. The project is called the Celtic Interconnector.
The €1 billion Celtic Interconnector will connect Ireland's electricity network to France via an underwater connection of some 575kms. A vital part of Project Ireland 2040, once built, its 700 megawatts capacity will power 450,000 households, and help Ireland to switch to 70% renewable energy as set out in the Government's Climate Action Plan.
In 2019 the EU Commission provided significant grant funding of €530million in recognition of the projects key benefits, which are to:
· increase competition in the electricity market
· enhance the security of supply for both Irish and French electricity consumers
· support Europe’s transition to a low carbon energy future
· provide Ireland’s only energy connection to an EU Member State post-Brexit
· provide a direct high-speed fibre optic link between Ireland and France.
As part of our ongoing work to progress the Celtic Interconnector, EirGrid recognises the key importance of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce – as well as Network Irlande – in fostering strong and sustainable relations between our countries.
Since joining the Chamber in 2015, EirGrid has witnessed the significant economic potential that exists in stronger French-Irish relations. In the years ahead, EirGrid look forward to assisting the efforts of the Chamber to developing this potential.