Launch of the french export recovery plan

Article in french

This Wednesday, September 30, 2020 was held a round table devoted to the export component of the Government's recovery plan with MM Bruno LE MAIRE, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery, Franck RIESTER, Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade and Attractiveness, and Alain GRISET, Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

In the presence of the various partners of Team France Export, including the CCI Françaises à l'International (CCI FI), this meeting was an opportunity to discuss measures intended to support the internationalization of French companies.

The CCI FIs have their part to play in this exceptional system which includes in particular 50 million euros of direct aid to companies, through 15 M € of incentive for the recruitment of VIE (5,000 € per VIE) and 35 M € to encourage companies to undertake prospecting actions on new markets (export check of € 5,000 per company). The CCI FIs can apply for accreditation to be listed as approved operators of the Export Recovery Plan.


Download 2020_09_30_plan_relance_export.pdf  (PDF • 643 KB)

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